Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Passage and Updates

Hope that everyone is having a great week!

This week's "Recommit" passage is Psalm 119:9-12. It is a great scripture that speaks to the importance of having a wise and godly focus. I think that it could be a great starting point for a conversation with your teen about the things that they (and us as adults) fill our time, hearts, and minds with. So, please mediate over this passage and talk about it as a family. On Wednesday, we will have a discussion about this passage in class.

If you have a teen going on the Spring Retreat it would be great for me to know ASAP for our planning purposes. We won't leave until after dinner on Friday (6 or 7 range) and will return by the end of church on Sunday AM. If you have additional questions about schedule, like if your teen has to come late or leave for a little while for a game or something, then please talk to me about that and let's see what we can work out! It's going to be a great weekend that will hopefully help our teens to grow spiritually and encourage them to finish off the school year strong.

Mission Trips- official sign-ups will begin in a couple of weeks, but if you need to mark your calendars, Chicago will be June 4-6 and the Murphy will be July 20-25.

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